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KWI NEWS 2/2024

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Welcome to KWI

+ Paul Buckermann is a sociologist whose research and teaching focusses on art, politics, and science. He received his PhD from the University of Lucerne. He has held teaching and research positions at universities in Basel, Lucerne, Bielefeld, Zurich, Vienna, and Paderborn and has been at the University of Heidelberg since 2020. In the winter term 2023/2024, he served as a deputy chair for political sociology at the Max-Weber-Institute of Sociology in Heidelberg. As the Thyssen@KWI Fellow, he will be working on a project entitled “What is Art Good For? Multiple Justifications in Boundary Work for the Arts”.

+ Anca Mandru is a research fellow at the University of Birmingham and part of the project “The Liminality of Failing Democracy: East Central Europe During the Interwar Slump. She received her PhD in Eastern European history in 2019 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As a KWI International Fellow, she will work on her book project, provisionally entitled Fiction as History: Literature and the Making of a Leftist Culture in Romania (1880–1939). Her research explores the relationship between literature, history, and politics, examining the interplay between literary traditions and political cultures.

+ Hannah Richter is a lecturer in politics at the University of Sussex, where she researches and teaches contemporary critical political thought. She received her PhD from the University of Kent in 2019. Hannah’s research explores how postfoundational philosophy can help us understand and formulate responses to the practical challenges contemporary democracies face. As a KWI International Fellow, she will continue her research on post-truth populism. Her project comparatively explores the political ideologies of key conspiracies that shaped 20th and 21st century democratic politics to gain insight to the distinct logic of contemporary conspiratorial populism.

+ Minwoo Jung is an assistant professor of sociology, women’s studies, and gender studies at Loyola University Chicago. He is a sociologist whose work centres on gender, sexuality, race, and empire, with an emphasis on political activism and knowledge production. His research is situated at the intersection of the sociology of gender and sexualities, political sociology, and global and transnational sociology. As a KWI International Fellow, he will work on his first book project, which examines the conditions and consequences of sexuality politics in Asia from a comparative perspective.

+ Annette Schöneck studied history and German literature in Freiburg and Halifax. After completing her doctorate, her interest in knowledge transfer and its impact on society first led her to the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, then to the University of Cologne’s Start-up Center, and to the Cooperation Service at Leuphana University Lüneburg. At the Rhine Ruhr Center for Science Communication Research, she will be working on The Living Handbook of Science Communication and Science Studies.

+ Ferenc Hammer has been an associate professor in the Media and Communications Department at ELTE University in Budapest since 1997. His teaching areas, research fields, and project topics comprise disinformation, media representations of inequalities and conflict, cultural history areas such as everyday life in Communism, or the sociology of consumption. He has worked as a scholar in the UK, USA, and Germany. His most recent work addresses certain dimensions of silencing, self-censorship, and intimidation in academia. This approach involves a plan for implementing a mentoring system designed for scholars at risk, which he will work on as a KWI International Fellow. 

+ Bojan Baća is a political and cultural sociologist whose research primarily focusses on civil society, social movements, and contentious politics. After receiving his PhD from York University in 2018, he held fellowships at the University of Graz, Charles University, Heidelberg University, and most recently at the University of Gothenburg. He is currently a research associate at the University of Montenegro. As a KWI International Fellow, Bojan will concentrate on developing a research grant proposal centred on epistemic practices and evidentiary activism through which mistrust, scepticism, and denial are translated into conspiracist counter-knowledge.

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Fellowships & Scholarships

Continuation of the Thyssen@KWI Fellowship by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation 

We are delighted that the Fritz Thyssen Foundation will be funding the Thyssen@KWI Fellowship for another two years. Between October 2024 and September 2026, four fellowships can be awarded for six months each. Since October 2020, the Thyssen@KWI Fellowship has been integrated into the KWI International Fellowship Programme, aimed at excellent researchers in the post-doctoral phase whose project is related to the KWI’s research areas (cultural studies of science, cultural and literary sociology, science communication, or visual literacy).

The deadline for the current call for applications is 30 April 2024.


Twelve Residential Fellowships for Scholars at Risk in Dortmund and Essen 

Academy in Exile invites scholars at risk to apply for 24-month fellowships. Twelve new fellows, funded by the Mellon Foundation and VolkswagenStiftung, will be hosted at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) Essen or TU Dortmund University. Eligible are scholars from any country with a PhD in the humanities, social sciences, or law, at risk because of their academic work and/or civic engagement in human rights, democracy, and the pursuit of academic freedom. Academy in Exile fellowships give scholars the opportunity to continue their careers in Germany and to work on their own research project in a multidisciplinary environment.

Those interested can apply until 15 April 2024.


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Summer Term at KWI

We are looking forward to a variety of exciting events in the summer semester of 2024. Literary topics will take centre stage with events such as Ostdeutschland literarisch“ and Klimakrisenschreiben”. Additionally, we will host discussions on Kunst und Neue Rechteas well as Demokratie und Diktaturwith Claudia Gatzka, to name just a few.


KWI Blog Celebrates 200 Posts

In February the KWI Blog reached its 200th post. Since the launch in March 2020, 166 authors have contributed, including KWI International Fellows, researchers, and guests. Many articles appeared as part of different series, ranging from past annual themes to the current climate series.


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Conclusion of Annual Theme 2023/24

For the past two semesters, KWI has been tracing pedular motions of More or Less as a signature of our present. Colleagues and guests explored related phenomena from various perspectives in the humanities and social sciences, in a wide array of events. If you missed out or wish to watch again, please visit the KWI YouTube channel: here you will find recordings of several events, for example the recent evening with Ewald Frie and Steffen Mau.

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April – June 2024 

The colloquium provides a platform to present and discuss ongoing as well as emerging research projects. In addition to projects within KWI – including the work of our new fellows – it is open to guest lectures that tie in with the institute's research agenda.


Spring Conference:
Erkundungen übertage 
11–14 April 2024, ZOOM
Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung


Panel Discussion: Kunst und Neue Rechte
17 April 2024, 18:30 (CET), KWI & ZOOM
Speakers: Stephan Trüby, Kathrin Rottmann, Elke Gaugele, Sarah Held
Moderators: Friederike Sigler, Anja Schürmann


Workshop: Seeing Danger: Risk, Security, and the Visual

25–26 April 2024, KWI
Organisers: Tom Allen, Jakob Schnetz


Keynote by Marina Vishmidt
Part of the workshop Seeing Danger
25 April 2024, 18:00 (CET), KWI & ZOOM
Speaker: Marina Vishmidt
Moderator: Tom Allen


26–28 April 2024, KWI
Organisers: Laura M. Reiling, Sarah Tober


Book Presentation:
Demokratie und Diktatur. Geschichte und Gegenwart einer Grenzziehung
07 May 2024, 18:00 (CET), KWI & ZOOM
Speaker: Claudia Gatzka
Moderator: Danilo Scholz


Intellektuelle der Postkolonie. Libanon, Algerien, Frankreich 1960–1990

06 June 2024, 18:00 (CET), KWI & ZOOM
Speakers: Yvonne Albers, Onur Erdur
Moderator: Morten Paul


Live from KWI Garden: Die Kette der Infektionen. Zur Erzählbarkeit von Epidemien

12 June 2024, 18:00 (CET), KWI
Speaker: Andreas Bernard
Moderator: Julika Griem


Wenn und Aber: Philosophische Fragen zur Zeit

20 June 2024, 18:00 (CET), KWI
Speaker: Sybille Krämer
Moderator: Mona Leinung


Panel Discussion: Bilder unter Verdacht. Forensische Lektüren und Rhetoriken der Evidenz

20 June 2024, 18:00 (CET), KWI
Speakers: Katja Müller-Helle, Silvia Sasse, Steffen Siegel
Moderators: Anja Schürmann, Roland Meyer


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  IN THE MEDIA                         


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Tim Schanetzky was quoted in an SZ article on anti-AfD protests in NRW, cautioning against reductive historical connections.

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Julika Griem was interviewed in Spiegel Start on the underappreciated societal need for humanities scholars. 

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The FAZ covered the "summit“ meeting of Ewald Frie and Steffen Mau at KWI in February.

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Städte auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit. Ethnographische Einblicke und Analysen by Britta Acksel



Liebe ohne Ende. Liebesbiographische Erzählungen vom Leben by Johanna L. Dege, Jo Reichertz, and Andrea Kleeberg-Niepage 



“Das Fotobuch als Rechteck” by Anja Schürmann in Size Matters. Größe in der Fotografie


The Op-Ed Novel: A Literary History of Post-Franco Spain by Béquer Seguín


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Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen (KWI) / Goethestraße 31 / 45128 Essen / Deutschland / 
+49 201 183 8106 /
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